Nothing super important, I just felt like recording what the Thomas family is doing at the moment. Today is my little boy's 2nd birthday. He's TWO! He's still not talking a whole lot, but has no problem communicating. Today I went in for my pre-op appointment at the down there doctor. I realized as I was waiting for my doctor to come in that at that exact moment 2 years ago, she was delivering Christian. Happy birthday, Bugaboo. We will celebrate with a big par-tay on Sunday when Grandma gets here. Pictures and tribute to follow.
In other news, 7 days from now, I will be on the operating table again for baby #2. My appointment went just swimmingly today and we are scheduled to arrive at the hospital at 9am with surgery to begin at 11am. I am excited and feel blessed to have had such an easy, problem free pregnancy. I feel even more blessed that I don't have to go through labor ever again.
We got Christian's new room all ready after a long and exhausting search for a bed and dresser that was good quality and didn't cost an arm and a leg. We are almost all ready, just waiting for Grandma to come and do the final touches. Stay tuned for a very exciting week starting next Friday!
Bean Salsa
8 years ago
I am so excited for you and Ryan (and Christian.) I look forward to the coming days. Good luck. I'll be thinking of you.