Sunday, April 10, 2011


7 lbs 4 oz
20 1/2 in

Baby Ashley's arrival was ideal- no pain, no labor, no surprises. Ryan and I drove to the hospital at 9 am Friday morning for the surgery at 11. We checked in, handed the nurses the chocolate chip cookies I made (which were a big hit,) and got situated in our room. I got my IV, epidural, and was off to the operating room. Baby Ashley arrived at 11:27. It was just SO EASY compared to the way nature has planned child birth. We are all doing awesome, so much so that I asked to come home a day early. She nurses easily, sleeps a lot, and is very adorable. She is an angel baby. I hope it lasts!

Big brother Christian came to the hospital later that afternoon to meet his new baby sister.

He has done much better than I had anticipated with another little tot in the family. There has been a little bit of sitting on the stairs though. Overall, things are going very smoothly and we are enjoying becoming a family of four!


  1. Congratulations!! She is beautiful and I love her name. I hope she continues to be an angel baby! I'm just so happy for you!

  2. CONGRATS!!! She's gorgeous! Jared and Rose had their baby too! His name is Mason.

  3. Congratulations! I am truly happy for all of you! Adding a girl to the family is such a sweet experience and it just gets better every day! ALl my best to you and the whole family!

  4. Oh Cindy, she is beautiful. I am so happy to hear things went well (and according to plan.) I look forward to meeting her in person sometime. much love to Ryan, Christian, Ashley, and you
