Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Big Boy Haircut

There hasn't been a whole lot of blog-worthy events lately. Sorry, Mom. But I did take Christian to Supercuts today for his first haircut (other than me trimming his baby mullet a few months ago.) It was a little scary at first and there were some tears, but once we broke out the lollipops and he got to touch the electric clippers, all was well. I am a moron and left the camera in the car, but I did take some pictures when Christian got back in his carseat.

The final result

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Behold the Glorious Bounty

We got home to NH last Wednesday. It has been very hot here for the last few weeks. So hot that they instituted an outside watering ban. You could water by watering can but not by hose. I don't quite get the logic, but we followed the rules anyway. Before we left we arranged for a kid in our ward to come over every other day to water the garden and flower beds. Our lawn has seen better days, but the garden is doing great! Here is what the beds looked like before I left

and when we got home

Geez! The melons are taking over our lawn! We have lots of watermelons, cantaloupes, beets, and cucumbers, still more zucchini and yellow squash than we know what to do with, and I also picked a few peaches. The corn should be ready soon. I learned a lot about what works and what I will do differently next season, but overall I'm pretty proud of our first little garden. I should have been a farmer.

Monday, August 2, 2010


It's been awhile since I posted, but for good reason. We just got back from a wonderful vacation with the Evers/Syphus crew. I'm sad to say that I didn't take many pictures, but Stacey has a bunch on her blog including our basic daily itinerary and our new favorite thing to do in Lahaina (mmm...shaved ice!)
Christian and I left for the homeland (LOP) at the beginning of July. This kid took 4, yes 4, very long flights in a short time. I was very concerned with how he would handle this. I am happy to report that he was an EXCELLENT little boy. We only had one very minor meltdown while we were landing for a layover in Chicago because his ears were hurting. Not too bad! Once we got to CA, the party began! We had so much fun playing with cousins, swimming at Mr. Bearry's pool, going to the park, jumping on the trampoline, painting race cars, visiting with aunts, uncles, and great-grandparents, and decorating for our pre-Hawaii luau. Needless to say, with six little kids running around, Stacey's house was quite the zoo. I was coming downstairs one afternoon and got a kick out of the overhead view of the living room. This is what we can expect when everyone comes to New Hampshire for Christmas this year. Ryan flew out the day before we all left for Hawaii. Poor guy had a 6 hours time difference he had to adjust to. We got up and headed to the airport early the next morning. With 14 people in tow, we were quite the sight at the airport. Luckily Christian qualified for a carry on so we didn't have to buy him a ticket. We weren't able to get rooms next to each other, but at least we were in the same building. The kids (and adults) ran back and forth to play, get snacks, watch shows, and eat wallermelon on the balcony with Grampa. Scott and Elle were brave enough to take some sweet waves with the help of Jeff and Grampa.

Thanks, Mom and Dad for such a fun trip. I can hardly wait until we can all get together again for Christmas!