Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Baby Blessings and Weekend Fun

Christian received his baby blessing last Sunday at our ward in Merrimack. Ryan gave him a beautiful blessing which of course Christian wailed all the way through. I knew we were in trouble right from the start when he decided he was hungry as soon as we walked through the doors for Sacrament meeting. He wasn't interested in a bottle, he wanted the real thing. Of course it was the one time I couldn't take him out. Oh well. Ryan's whole family was there. Phil and Tagg stood in the circle as did Matt Rogers, Ry's mission companion and long time friend. Afterward, we all came back to our house to celebrate with a little BBQ. Perfect weather, fun company, yummy food...what a great day!Matt, his wife Sarah, and their two kids came up from Connecticut to spend the weekend with us before the blessing. We started the day with a little go-cart racing and batting practice at Mel's Funway Park. Matt and his backseat driver Noah took the gold in the go cart challenge. I was the champ in the batting cages, but I only did wuss pitches. After watching Ry and Matt try to hit 65 mph fastballs, we decided that the slow pitch softballs were probably more our style. Yep,I missed my calling as a softball player. To think I wasted all those years on basketball and volleyball...
After such a fun and eventful weekend, we all needed a little nap.


  1. At least everyone at church understands and can relate. I am so happy for you. It sounds like a really nice weekend.

  2. How adorable! Love the picture of sleepy Grandpa T. and sleepy Baby Christian! Cindy - you're looking good. See you in a week!
    CA Grandma

  3. That little rite of passage was accompanied by wailing with my Lily as well. It was really spiritual.
    ps you look STUNNING. So when do you grow out of that awkward stage anyway? I haven't quite hit that yet.

  4. Hey girl...Sarah's blog is totally blocked right now for various reasons. Otherwise I'm CERTAIN she would have granted you membership into her exclusive club. (After a little standard hazing, of course.:)If she starts up again I'll let you know.
