Thursday, May 28, 2009

Another Milestone

As a new mother, I have learned to celebrate the small victories. I told everyone I knew when Christian first slept through the night. He does this regularly now. I about peed my pants when he gave me his first smile (sadly, this is not an exaggeration. I've been told that Kegals can help with this little problem.) And now, my new triumph...
Today I buttoned my jeans. HOORAY! Ok, they're the jeans I bought during my first trimester that had a little room to grow, but still. At least I'm not looping a rubber band between the button and button hole anymore. I gained a solid 60 lbs, 35 of which came during the third trimester. I soaked up water better than a ShamWow. A woman in my ward told me that my feet looked like hooves. Sadly, she was right. That weight all came off within a week, now I'm left with the hard stuff to lose. Tonight I'm going to have Ryan bring up the spin bike. Summer's a-comin.


  1. CINDY. How did I NOW just find your blog?! I am laughing out loud. Seriously, reading your writing is like hearing your voice. I LOVE it. I miss you. I LOVE little Christian. Congratulations.

  2. At least you have two sisters that totally feel your pain! We can all be a little hefty together! Hooves though...really? That was not nice!

  3. Yeah, Kelly, those were hooves. I was there and I witnessed them in person. But I will add that within a week after, Ryan and I both noticed a dramatic road to recovery for Cindy.

    Our last Aloha (until Cindy comes and fixes us Kalua Pig in 17 days....)

    CA Grandma

  4. Way to go! Love the ShamWow comment... There is no way I am even attempting to put on jeans - first, because it is already a billion degrees here, and second because I know there is NO way I could zip them up.

  5. Hi Cindy! Christian is absolutely beautiful. Glad to hear he is sleeping through the night. Congrats on the jeans, now if I could only lose the weight I gained during your pregnancy! Hehehehe Miss you!

  6. OK you are cracking me up. I love you!
