Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Big Boy Haircut

There hasn't been a whole lot of blog-worthy events lately. Sorry, Mom. But I did take Christian to Supercuts today for his first haircut (other than me trimming his baby mullet a few months ago.) It was a little scary at first and there were some tears, but once we broke out the lollipops and he got to touch the electric clippers, all was well. I am a moron and left the camera in the car, but I did take some pictures when Christian got back in his carseat.

The final result


  1. How cute! Suckers and power tools always make it all better :)

  2. I knew lollipops were magic, but I didn't think about the power tools also being an exciting part of the haircut experience. Good point, Krystal! Like father, like son.

  3. Wait, that was me making the last comment...

  4. Oh my gosh Cindy! He is so adorable. Amazing how quick they grow. Time to learn how to cut hair! :)

  5. Just ADORABLE!!! What a big boy!
    PS - Love the beautiful leaves at the blog top!
