Thursday, May 13, 2010

Our Little Nest

This is one of the pots on our front porch. I was out watering this morning when a little bird flew out of the pine tree. I took a closer look and here is what I found:
There are three little blue eggs in a tiny nest! How fun! I would have taken a better picture, but I didn't want to touch the tree. I've heard that if humans touch a nest or eggs, the mother bird can smell our human stink and won't come back. I don't know if this is actually true, but didn't want to chance it. My sister in law, Jen, also found a bird nest in the wreath she hung on her front door. I am very curious to see if these little eggs hatch. Even if our garden doesn't grow anything this year, maybe we can take pride in watching these little baby birds grow up on our front porch.


  1. Well, if we must get in there to water the tree, it better be you since I have a lot more human stink than you do!

  2. When Mark and Rachel were in BYU married housing they also had a bird lay a nest in a tin ornament hanging on their door. We had to go in and out on the balcony, but it was fun to watch parent birds attend the nest and then the babies as they hatched, grew and then flew away. If the nest in not on the dirt, maybe you can find a watering can with a long spout to water the tree. Too bad Christian isn't older to be able to appreciate what is happening on his own porch. Heather Lynn was too young also, but when ever I see tin ornament, it brings back about how careful we all were with those birds. And I don't really like birds.
    Patty Biggs

  3. I think we should suggest names for the baby birds. Stacey has several names already listed on her blog...
    Definitely keep up updated with pictures. That's pretty cute!

  4. We already named the mom bird Captain Jack Sparrow. I know it is a girl, but we couldn't resist.

  5. We have a mommy bird that has made a nest out our back door for the second year in a row. It is so fun to hear the tiny little chirps when they hatch. Love the name!
