Thursday, June 10, 2010

Ode to Jeff

Tomorrow is a big day for Ryan. His dream vacation begins at 8:30 am at the Sig Sauer Academy in Exeter. Yes, its GUN SCHOOL! We live about 45 minutes away from one of the most well known tactical training schools in the country. When we got our sweet tax return this year, Ry got the OK to sign up for his dream course, the Combative Carbine Operator Course. Doesn't that sound like a day at Disneyland? Well to my dear, sweet husband, yes. Yes it does. I fully expect Ryan to be tossing and turning tonight in bed. I will ask him what is wrong, and he will respond, "I'm too excited to sleep!"

I laughed as I told him that Jeff used to get really worked up for big events when he was a kid. Whether it was the first day of school, soccer practice, or an LOP swim meet, he would lovingly lay out his outfit for the upcoming day on his bedroom floor. His soccer uniform was my favorite, the shirt on the floor tucked into the shorts, socks in the shoes complete with the shin guards on get the picture. So in honor of Jeff, Ryan has prepared his gear in similar fashion, from the tactical vest and flashlight in the pocket down to the gloves holding Sport Beans.


Dear criminals,
Our house is not the one you want to rob. I'm not even kidding.


  1. Oh, I know all too well! Issac just got home from some training, but he would be right there with Ryan in a heartbeat if he could. We love the lay out BTW! Whenever we make it out to see you guys, we will all have to go shooting.

  2. Funny, funny post! I LOVE the lay out!! My little girls do that quite frequently, only their "layouts" consist of pink dresses, tights and sparkly shoes.
    I just showed my husband this picture, and I sense a little jealousy. Ryan is way cool!!

  3. My favorite little Jeff story was when Dad was going to take him golfing and he layed out his collared shirt, shorts, and all the golf clubs very neatly in numerical order.
    It was hilarious!
    Have fun Ryan!
    ...So are Sport Beans something you eat?

  4. I agree that Jeff's golf clubs laid out in order was the funniest ever. So what sweet thing do you get you do because of the tax return?

  5. By the way, I'm stealing your blog background...

  6. Really scary!!! He should have gone in the military :)
